portsopen.py: Allow config to include ports as either integers or lists for backwards compatibility

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Klaus-Uwe Mitterer 2016-04-28 23:21:38 +02:00
parent dd9e60fb9a
commit 4e50438717
1 changed files with 11 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,15 @@ hosts = setuptools.getListSetting("Ports", "hosts")
retry = int(setuptools.getSetting("Ports", "retry"))
two = twitools.twObject()
def check(host, port, recipient):
if not porttools.isPortOpen(host, port):
if not porttools.isPortOpen(host, port):
two.tweet("@%s Port %s is not open on host %s!" % (recipient, port, host))
for h in hosts:
for p in h[1]:
if not porttools.isPortOpen(h[0], p):
if not porttools.isPortOpen(h[0], p):
two.tweet("@%s Port %s is not open on host %s!" % (h[2], p, h[0]))
for p in h[1]:
check(h[0], p, h[2])
except TypeError: