""" This file allows you to add your own hooks to the filler.py script without having to mess around with the code. """ def tweetFilter(tweet): """ Code to be executed when a new tweet is found. :param tweet: tweepy.Status object for the new tweet :return: True if the tweet should be stored in the database, else False """ return True def messageFilter(message, incoming): """ Code to be executed when a new incoming or outgoing message is found. :param message: tweepy.DirectMessage object for the new message :param incoming: True if the message is incoming (not sent by us), else False :return: True if the message should be stored in the database, else False """ return True def followerFilter(follower, current): """ Code to be executed when a follower is gained or lost. :param follower: Integer ID of the following account :param current: True if they started following, False if they unfollowed :return: True if the following/unfollowing action should be stored, else False """ return True def followingFilter(following, current): """ Code to be executed when we start or stop following another account. :param following: Integer ID of the account we follow/stopped following :param current: True if we started following, False if we unfollowed :return: True if the following/unfollowing action should be stored, else False """ return True