import setuptools import sqlite3, pymysql, pymysql.cursors SQLITE = 0 MYSQL = 1 MARIADB = MYSQL MIN = 0 MAX = 1 class dbObject: # --------------------------------------------- Initialization ------------------------------------------------- def initMySQL(self, host, port, user, pwd, db): self.conn = pymysql.connect(host = host, port = port, user = user, password = pwd, db = db, charset = "utf8mb4", cursorclass = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.dbtype = MYSQL = host self.port = port self.user = user self.pwd = pwd self.db = db def initSQLite(self, path): self.conn = sqlite3.connect(path) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.dbtype = SQLITE self.path = path def __init__(self, dbtype = SQLITE, path = None, host = None, port = None, user = None, pwd = None, db = None): if dbtype == SQLITE: self.initSQLite(path or 'Database.db') elif dbtype == MYSQL: self.initMySQL(host or 'localhost', port or 3306, user, pwd, db) else: raise ValueError("Unknown database type %s." % str(dbtype)) # ---------------------------------------------- No more initialization ---------------------------------------- def closeConnection(self): return self.conn.close() def commit(self): return self.conn.commit() def executeQuery(self, query): return self.cur.execute(query) def getAll(self): return self.cur.fetchall() def getNext(self): return self.cur.fetchone() def isInitialized(self): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM tweets") return True except: return False def getFLDate(self, val = MIN): if val == MIN: mode = "MIN" else: mode = "MAX" if self.dbtype == SQLITE: return setuptools.getDate(str(list(self.executeQuery("SELECT %s(SUBSTR(timestamp,0,11)) FROM tweets" % mode))[0][0])) else: self.executeQuery("SELECT %s(SUBSTR(timestamp,0,11)) FROM tweets" % mode) return setuptools.getDate(str(self.getNext()["%s(SUBSTR(timestamp,0,11))" % mode])) def getFollowers(db): db.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM followers WHERE `until` = 0;") for i in db.getAll(): yield int(i[0]) def getFollowing(db): db.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM following WHERE `until` = 0;") for i in db.getAll(): yield int(i[0]) def getLatestMessage(db): db.executeQuery("SELECT max(id) FROM messages") try: return int(db.getNext()[0]) except: return 0 def getLatestTweet(db): db.executeQuery("SELECT max(tweet_id) FROM tweets") try: return int(db.getNext()[0]) except: return 0 def matchNameID(db, name, id): db.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM names WHERE id = '%s' AND name = '%s' AND until = 0;" % (id, name)) try: if int(db.getNext()[0]) != 0: return True except: pass return False def deleteUser(self, cid): self.executeQuery("DELETE FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) self.commit() def deleteUserByAto(self, ato): self.executeQuery("DELETE FROM tokens WHERE ato = '%s';" % ato) self.commit() def storeUser(self, cid, ato, ase): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET active = 0 WHERE cid = %i;" % int(cid)) self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET ato = '%s', ase = '%s', active = 1 WHERE cid = %i AND ase IS NULL;" % (ato, ase, int(cid))) self.commit() def storeLocation(self, cid, lat, lon): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET lat = %s, lon = %s WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % (lat, lon, int(cid))) self.commit() def getLocation(self, cid): self.executeQuery("SELECT lat, lon FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) re = self.getNext() return re[0], re[1] def ato(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT ato FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) return self.cur.fetchone()[0] except: return False def ase(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT ase FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) return self.cur.fetchone()[0] except: return False def aseByAto(self, ato): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT ase FROM tokens WHERE ato = '%s';" % ato) return self.cur.fetchone()[0] except: return False def getBStatus(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT broadcast FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) return True if int(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) == 1 else False except: raise ValueError("No such user: %i" % int(cid)) def toggleBroadcasts(self, cid): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET broadcast = NOT broadcast WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) self.commit() return self.getBStatus(cid) def getCStatus(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT confirmations FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) return True if int(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) == 1 else False except: raise ValueError("No such user: %i" % int(cid)) def toggleConfirmations(self, cid): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET confirmations = NOT confirmations WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) self.commit() return self.getCStatus(cid) def getTStatus(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT tweet FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) return True if int(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) == 1 else False except: raise ValueError("No such user: %i" % int(cid)) def toggleTweet(self, cid): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET tweet = NOT tweet WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) self.commit() return self.getTStatus(cid) def getMStatus(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT mentions FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) return True if int(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) == 1 else False except: raise ValueError("No such user: %i" % int(cid)) def toggleMentions(self, cid): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET mentions = NOT mentions WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) self.commit() return self.getMStatus(cid) def mentionsOn(self): self.executeQuery("SELECT cid, ato, ase FROM tokens WHERE mentions;") for u in self.getAll(): yield u[0], u[1], u[2] def broadcastUsers(self): self.executeQuery("SELECT cid FROM tokens WHERE broadcast AND active;") for u in self.getAll(): yield u[0] def allUsers(self): self.executeQuery("SELECT cid FROM tokens;") for u in self.getAll(): yield u[0] def accounts(self, cid): self.executeQuery("SELECT ato, ase FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND ase IS NOT NULL;" % int(cid)) for a in self.getAll(): yield [a[0], a[1]] def addFish(self, cid): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET fish = fish + 1 WHERE cid = %i AND active;" % int(cid)) self.commit() def storeToken(self, cid, ato): self.executeQuery('DELETE FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND ase IS NULL;' % int(cid)) self.executeQuery('INSERT INTO tokens(cid, ato) VALUES(%i, "%s");' % (int(cid), ato)) self.commit() def getToken(self, cid): try: self.executeQuery("SELECT ato FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND ase IS NULL;" % int(cid)) return self.getNext()[0] except: raise ValueError("No such user: %i" % int(cid)) def deleteToken(self, cid): self.executeQuery("DELETE FROM tokens WHERE cid = %i AND ase IS NULL;" % int(cid)) self.commit() def setActive(self, cid, ato): self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET active = 0 WHERE cid = %i;" % int(cid)) self.executeQuery("UPDATE tokens SET active = 1 WHERE cid = %i AND ato = '%s';" % (int(cid), ato)) self.commit() def dbHelper(): if setuptools.dbtype() == SQLITE: return dbObject(dbtype=SQLITE, path=setuptools.dbpath()) elif setuptools.dbtype() == MYSQL: return dbObject(dbtype=MYSQL, host=setuptools.dbhost(), user=setuptools.dbuser(), pwd=setuptools.dbpass(), db=setuptools.dbname()) else: raise setuptools.SetupException()