auth = '''To get authenticated with Twitter, please visit this URL and sign in: * %s You will receive a six-digit PIN. Please send it to me like this: * /verify 123456''' authimp = '''You can't currently log in to a new account as you are either already logged in or I'm waiting for your verification code. If you wish to log in to a different account or start the login process from the top, please /logout first..''' noauth = '''You are not logged in. Please use /login to sign in with Twitter.''' start = '''Hey there! I'm @%(name)s, everybody's favorite Twitter bot on Telegram! For me to help you, you will first have to authenticate with Twitter: * /login After authentication, you will be able to tweet from your account. Just drop me a note! Additionally, you will be able to use the following commands: *User functions* * /follow USER - Follow a user. * /unfollow USER - Unfollow a user. *Tweet functions* * /like TWEET - Like a tweet. You will need to pass a tweet ID (TWEET) as returned by /timeline. * /reply TWEET TEXT - Reply TEXT to a tweet. You will need to pass a tweet ID (TWEET) as returned by /timeline. * /retweet TWEET - Retweet a tweet. You will need to pass a tweet ID (TWEET) as returned by /timeline. * /togglementions - Turn on/off notifications when you are mentioned in a tweet. * /toggletweet - Turn automatic tweeting of messages on/off. Useful in groups. * /tweet TEXT - Explicitly tweet TEXT even if automatic tweeting is off (/toggletweet). *Timeline functions* * /timeline - Shows you the latest tweets in your timeline. Returns 10 tweets by default, but you may also use it like /timeline 20, which would return 20 tweets. If you have any further questions about these commands, I'll try to help you. Just use /help COMMAND for that. For instance, "/help timeline" will show you further details about the /timeline command. In case you ever wish to leave, you can use /logout. Of course, you're always welcome to login again after that. Have fun!''' toggleTweet = '''Automatic tweeting is now %s.''' toggleMentions = '''Mention notifications are now %s.''' unauth = '''You're leaving already? :( I hope you had a good time with me. If there is anything you would like to tell me or my developers, please drop us a note at: * %s Your data has been deleted. Of course, you can always just re-authenticate using /auth. It was great having you here. So long, and thanks for all the /fish!''' unknownCommand = '''Sorry, I didn't understand that command.''' verify = '''Thanks for authenticating. You can now use all of my features!''' verifyfail = '''Oops, something went wrong during the authentication. Please try again: * /login''' verifyimp = '''Huh. I wasn't expecting a verification code from you. You may already be logged in, or you have not yet sent me a /login command.''' twoFail = '''Well, something went wrong. Try again later.''' twoAuthFail = '''Could not authenticate you for some reason. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please try reauthenticating using /logout and /login.''' toggleTweetOn = "on" toggleTweetOff = "off" fishThanks = '''Yummy! Thanks!''' selfSpam = '''Don't tell me you just tried to report yourself for spam. Seriously?''' accountSuspended = '''I'm afraid your account is suspended. I can't currently help you.''' rateLimit = '''Whoa, buddy! Slow it down! You ran into a rate limit. Please try again later.''' badToken = '''Oops. Something appears to be wrong with your credentials. Please try reauthenticating using /logout and /login.''' overload = '''So, I've good good news and bad news. The bad news is, I was unable to process your request. The good news is, it isn't our fault. Seems like Twitter is experiencing higher load than usual. Please try again later.''' twitterError = '''So, I've good good news and bad news. The bad news is, I was unable to process your request. The good news is, it isn't our fault. Seems like Twitter is having some technical difficulties. Please try again later.''' unknownTweet = '''Well, it seems that this tweet doesn't exist any more. It was probably deleted. Sorry about that.''' followLimit = '''Twitter doesn't allow you to follow more accounts. You may want to unfollow somebody else first or try to get more followers yourself. (Yeah, I know.)''' tweetLimit = '''Twitter doesn't allow you to post any new tweets right now because you ran into some kind of limit. Unfortunately, I can't really tell you when you'll be able to tweet again either.''' dupTweet = '''Didn't you just tweet that? If you're sure that you want to tweet this again, please wait a few minutes and try again.''' automatedTweet = '''Twitter thinks you're a robot. I'm pretty sure that you're a human being, but they won't listen to me. Anyway, I can't process your request at this time. Sorry about that.''' selfMute = '''Why would you want to mute yourself? Your tweets are great!''' notMuted = '''It's great that you want to unmute this account. But you actually haven't muted them in the first place...''' multipleGIFs = '''I don't understand it either, but Twitter doesn't allow uploading multiple images if one of them is an animated GIF... (It's /ˈɡɪf/, not /ˈdʒɪf/. Just saying.)''' accountLocked = '''Your account was locked by Twitter for security reasons. Please log in at the Twitter website ( and follow the instructions there.''' longTweet = '''Sorry, but this tweet is too long.''' cantfind = '''Sorry, I can't find a tweet with ID %s. Please check your timeline and try again.''' restart = '''Restarting. Be right back. Hopefully.'''