#!/usr/bin/env python3 ################################################################### # allkeyshop.py - Prometheus exporter for allkeyshop.com # 2022 - 2023 kumitterer (https://kumig.it/kumitterer) # # This program is free software under the terms of the MIT License, # except where otherwise noted. ################################################################### from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Gauge, CollectorRegistry from configparser import ConfigParser from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError from html.parser import HTMLParser from typing import List, Tuple, Optional import re import json import time class AllKeyShop: """A class abstracting interaction with allkeyshop.com """ # Define AllKeyShop's internal names for platforms as they are used in URLs PLATFORM_PC = "cd-key" PLATFORM_PS5 = "ps5" PLATFORM_PS4 = "ps4" PLATFORM_XB1 = "xbox-one" PLATFORM_XBSX = "xbox-series-x" PLATFORM_SWITCH = "nintendo-switch" class ProductParser(HTMLParser): """A parser for the product page of allkeyshop.com Yields the product ID of the product in its result attribute """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.reset() self.result: int def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: List[Tuple[str, str]]): # Basically, we're looking for a tag with the "data-product-id" # attribute and parse the value of that attribute as an integer for attr in attrs: if attr[0] == "data-product-id": try: self.result = int(attr[1]) except (ValueError, IndexError): # Not sure if this can even happen, # but better safe than sorry pass except Exception as e: # If this happens, something is seriously wrong print(f"Error while parsing product ID: {e}") class HTTPRequest(Request): """Custom HTTP request class with a custom user agent """ def __init__(self, url: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(url, *args, **kwargs) self.headers["user-agent"] = "allkeyshop.com prometheus exporter (https://kumig.it/kumitterer/prometheus-allkeyshop)" class ProductPageRequest(HTTPRequest): """Class for generating requests to the product page of allkeyshop.com """ @staticmethod def to_slug(string: str) -> str: """Helper function for generating slugs from strings Shamelessly stolen from https://www.30secondsofcode.org/python/s/slugify Website, name & logo © 2017-2022 30 seconds of code (https://github.com/30-seconds) Individual snippets licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Args: string (str): The string to generate a slug from Returns: str: The generated slug """ string = string.lower().strip() string = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', string) string = re.sub(r'[\s_-]+', '-', string) string = re.sub(r'^-+|-+$', '', string) return string def __init__(self, product: str, platform: str, *args, **kwargs): # Get slug to use in URL slug = self.__class__.to_slug(product) # Allow "pc" as shorthand platform name for PCs if platform == "pc": platform = AllKeyShop.PLATFORM_PC # Set request URL url = f"https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-{slug}-{platform}-compare-prices/" super().__init__(url, *args, **kwargs) class OffersRequest(HTTPRequest): """Class for generating requests to the offers API of allkeyshop.com """ def __init__(self, product: int, *args, currency: str, **kwargs): """Initializes the request Args: product (int): Product ID of the product to get offers for currency (str): Currency to get offers in (e.g. "eur") region (str, optional): Region to get offers for (e.g. "eu"). Defaults to "". edition (str, optional): Edition to get offers for (e.g. "standard"). Defaults to "". moreq (str, optional): Additional query parameters. Defaults to "". """ region: str = kwargs.pop("region", "") edition: str = kwargs.pop("edition", "") moreq: str = kwargs.pop("moreq", "") url = f"https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=get_offers&product={product}¤cy={currency}®ion={region}&edition={edition}&moreq={moreq}&use_beta_offers_display=1" super().__init__(url, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, product: int | str, platform: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """Initializes the AllKeyShop object Args: product (int | str): Product ID or name of the product to get offers for platform (Optional[str], optional): Platform to get offers for, if a product name is passed. Defaults to None. """ self.product: int self.kwargs: dict = kwargs if isinstance(product, int): # Product ID is already known - no need to resolve it self.product = product else: # Resolve product ID from product name and platform assert platform, "Platform must be specified if product name is passed" self.product = self.__class__.resolve_product(product, platform) @classmethod def resolve_product(cls, product: str, platform: str) -> int: """Resolves a product ID from a product name and platform Args: product (str): Name of the product to resolve platform (str): Platform to get the product ID for Returns: int: Product ID matching the given product name and platform """ # Get product page content = urlopen(cls.ProductPageRequest(product, platform)) html = content.read().decode() # Pass the content to the custom HTML parser parser = cls.ProductParser() parser.feed(html) # Return the result, or raise an exception if no result was found assert parser.result, f"Could not resolve product ID for product {product} on platform {platform}" return parser.result def get_offers(self) -> dict: """Gets all offers for the product Returns: dict: Offers for the product """ # Get offers content = urlopen(self.__class__.OffersRequest( self.product, **self.kwargs)) raw = content.read() content = json.loads(raw) # Return the offers, or raise an exception if the request failed assert content["success"], "Something went wrong while getting offers" return content["offers"] def main(): # Parse command line arguments parser = ArgumentParser( description="Prometheus exporter for allkeyshop.com") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=Path, default=Path(__file__).parent / "settings.ini", help="Path to config file (default: settings.ini in script directory)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, default=8090, help="Port to listen on (default: 8090)") parser.add_argument("-a", "--address", type=str, default="", help="Address to listen on (default:") args = parser.parse_args() # Read configuration file config = ConfigParser() config.read(args.config) if config.has_section("DEFAULT"): defaults = config["DEFAULT"] else: defaults = dict() # Initialize a custom CollectorRegistry so we don't get the default metrics registry = CollectorRegistry() # Initialize Gauge gauge = Gauge( f"allkeyshop_best_price", f"Best price for a product on allkeyshop.com", ["product_name", "currency"], registry=registry) # Initialize products products: List[Tuple[AllKeyShop, str, str]] = list() for section, settings in filter(lambda x: x[0] != "DEFAULT", config.items()): try: # Assert that we know the currency we want to use currency: str assert (currency := settings.get( "Currency", fallback=defaults.get("Currency"))), "Currency not set for section {section}" currency = currency.lower() # Check if we need a specific region or edition region: str = settings.get( "Region", fallback=defaults.get("Region", "")) edition: str = settings.get("Edition", fallback="") product: str | int platform: Optional[str] name: str # Initialize AllKeyShop object try: product = int(section) name = settings.get("Name", fallback=section) aks: AllKeyShop = AllKeyShop( product, currency=currency, region=region, edition=edition) except ValueError: product = name = section platform = settings.get( "Platform", fallback=defaults.get("Platform")) assert platform aks: AllKeyShop = AllKeyShop( product, platform, currency=currency, region=region, edition=edition) # Finally, add the product to the list products.append((aks, name, currency)) # If something goes wrong at this point, we assume that there is a # problem with the configuration file and exit except HTTPError as e: print(f"Error calling URL {e.url} for section {section}: {e}") exit(1) except Exception as e: print(f"Error setting up gauge for section {section}: {e}") exit(1) # Self-explanatory line, no? start_http_server(args.port, args.address, registry) # Start updating the prices while True: for aks, name, currency in products: try: # Get all offers and filter out the ones that are not in stock offers: List[dict] = aks.get_offers() available_offers: List[dict] = filter( lambda x: x["stock"] == "InStock", offers) # If we have a store preference, filter out the offers that are # not from that store store: Optional[str] if (store := settings.get("Store", fallback=defaults.get("Store", ""))): available_offers: List[dict] = filter( lambda x: x["platform"] == store, available_offers) # Get the best offer and update the gauge best_offer: dict = min( available_offers, key=lambda x: x["price"][currency]["price"]) gauge.labels(product_name=name, currency=currency).set( best_offer["price"][currency]["price"]) # If something goes wrong at this stage, we assume that there is just # a problem with our connectivity or the website itself and continue except Exception as e: print(f"Error updating gauge value for {gauge._name}: {e}") # Finally, wait for a minute before updating the prices again time.sleep(60) if __name__ == "__main__": main()