Klaus-Uwe Mitterer e95c51f832 Update README
2016-02-07 22:16:14 +01:00

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pokemon.py - Automatically poke back on Facebook
by Klaus-Uwe Mitterer <pokemon@klaus-uwe.me>
== Prerequisites ==
You will need the following package installed before running Pokemon:
- BeautifulSoup
You should be able to install it using pip.
== Setup ==
Run setup.py in a console and enter your Facebook credentials.
(Replace $PATH_TO_POKEMON with the actual path, of course.)
== Running the script ==
If you have changed the settings as intended, you should be ready to go.
Simply run the script by double-clicking it in your GUI or through your
console like so:
If you provided the correct email address and password to setup.py, you should
now receive the following output:
Login successful!
Then, each time the script actually pokes somebody, it will notify you of this
with the following output:
== Stopping the script ==
In order to stop the script, simply issue a Ctrl+C in the terminal it is
running in, or close the respective window.
== Nuclear Poke Bot ==
You may turn the script into what I call a "Nuclear Poke Bot". By commenting out
(putting a # in front of it) or deleting line 93 (if not "suggestion" in url:)
in pokemon.py, you can cause it to not only poke back people who poked you, but
also poke people Facebook suggests you to poke - over time, it will poke all
of your friends.
== Troubleshooting ==
If you have trouble signing in, chances are that you simply got a typo in your
email address or password. Please try removing config.cfg and running setup.py
If you still can't get the script running, chances are that Facebook changed
something on their end. Please send an email to <pokemon@klaus-uwe.me> and I'll
try to help you.
There are several reasons why the script may suddenly stop working. Most of the
time you will just need to take a little break and try again later.
If you keep getting messages like this:
Poke timed out.
Chances are that your Internet connection is slow. This message is just a notice
and no changes on your end should be necessary.
Generally, the script should recover from most problems automatically. If it
ends up stalling anyway, you will have to kill it manually with Ctrl+C.
But really, that shouldn't happen.