Kumi b1baecaf09
Refactor pin initialization in MFRC522 class
- Raise error for invalid pin type for `rst` or `cs` if not `int` or `Pin` instance
- Set `self.rst` based on `rst` type
- Set `self.cs` based on `cs` type
2023-08-18 11:50:19 +02:00

306 lines
6.2 KiB

from machine import Pin, SPI
from os import uname
class MFRC522:
""" MicroPython class to communicate with the MFRC522 RFID module """
# Constants
OK = 0
ERR = 2
REQIDL = 0x26
REQALL = 0x52
AUTHENT1A = 0x60
AUTHENT1B = 0x61
def __init__(self, sck: int = None, mosi: int = None, miso: int = None, rst: int = None, cs: int = None, spi: SPI = None):
""" Initialize the MFRC522 module
For compatibility with the original library, the pins can be specified
as arguments for WiPy, LoPy, FiPy and ESP8266. For other platforms, an
initialized SPI object must be passed as argument.
# For ESP8266:
mfrc522_esp8266 = MFRC522(0, 2, 4, 5, 14)
# For ESP32:
from machine import SoftSPI, Pin
sck = Pin(18, Pin.OUT)
mosi = Pin(23, Pin.OUT)
miso = Pin(19, Pin.OUT)
spi = SoftSPI(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=sck, mosi=mosi, miso=miso)
sda = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)
mfrc522_esp32 = MFRC522(spi=spi, cs=sda)
:param sck: SPI clock pin
:param mosi: SPI MOSI pin
:param miso: SPI MISO pin
:param rst: Reset pin
:param cs: Chip select pin
:param spi: Initialized SPI object
if not spi:
# Initialize SPI bus on given pins
self.sck = Pin(sck, Pin.OUT)
self.mosi = Pin(mosi, Pin.OUT)
self.miso = Pin(miso)
board = uname()[0]
# Due to differences in the SPI initialization, only the following
# platforms are supported
if board == 'WiPy' or board == 'LoPy' or board == 'FiPy':
self.spi = SPI(0)
self.spi.init(SPI.MASTER, baudrate=1000000, pins=(self.sck, self.mosi, self.miso))
elif board == 'esp8266':
self.spi = SPI(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=self.sck, mosi=self.mosi, miso=self.miso)
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform - please provide an initialized SPI object")
self.spi = spi
if rst:
# Initialize reset pin
if isinstance(rst, int):
self.rst = Pin(rst, Pin.OUT)
elif isinstance(rst, Pin):
self.rst = rst
raise TypeError("Invalid pin type for rst")
self.rst = None
# Initialize chip select pin
if isinstance(cs, int):
self.cs = Pin(cs, Pin.OUT)
elif isinstance(cs, Pin):
self.cs = cs
raise TypeError("Invalid pin type for cs")
# Continue in dedicated function
def _wreg(self, reg: bytes, val: bytes):
""" Write a value to a register
:param reg: Register address
:param val: Value to write
self.spi.write(b'%c' % int(0xff & ((reg << 1) & 0x7e)))
self.spi.write(b'%c' % int(0xff & val))
def _rreg(self, reg: bytes):
""" Read a value from a register
:param reg: Register address
:return: Value read
self.spi.write(b'%c' % int(0xff & (((reg << 1) & 0x7e) | 0x80)))
val = self.spi.read(1)
return val[0]
def _sflags(self, reg, mask):
self._wreg(reg, self._rreg(reg) | mask)
def _cflags(self, reg, mask):
self._wreg(reg, self._rreg(reg) & (~mask))
def _tocard(self, cmd, send):
recv = []
bits = irq_en = wait_irq = n = 0
stat = self.ERR
if cmd == 0x0E:
irq_en = 0x12
wait_irq = 0x10
elif cmd == 0x0C:
irq_en = 0x77
wait_irq = 0x30
self._wreg(0x02, irq_en | 0x80)
self._cflags(0x04, 0x80)
self._sflags(0x0A, 0x80)
self._wreg(0x01, 0x00)
for c in send:
self._wreg(0x09, c)
self._wreg(0x01, cmd)
if cmd == 0x0C:
self._sflags(0x0D, 0x80)
i = 2000
while True:
n = self._rreg(0x04)
i -= 1
if ~((i != 0) and ~(n & 0x01) and ~(n & wait_irq)):
self._cflags(0x0D, 0x80)
if i:
if (self._rreg(0x06) & 0x1B) == 0x00:
stat = self.OK
if n & irq_en & 0x01:
stat = self.NOTAGERR
elif cmd == 0x0C:
n = self._rreg(0x0A)
lbits = self._rreg(0x0C) & 0x07
if lbits != 0:
bits = (n - 1) * 8 + lbits
bits = n * 8
if n == 0:
n = 1
elif n > 16:
n = 16
for _ in range(n):
stat = self.ERR
return stat, recv, bits
def _crc(self, data):
self._cflags(0x05, 0x04)
self._sflags(0x0A, 0x80)
for c in data:
self._wreg(0x09, c)
self._wreg(0x01, 0x03)
i = 0xFF
while True:
n = self._rreg(0x05)
i -= 1
if not ((i != 0) and not (n & 0x04)):
return [self._rreg(0x22), self._rreg(0x21)]
def init(self):
self._wreg(0x2A, 0x8D)
self._wreg(0x2B, 0x3E)
self._wreg(0x2D, 30)
self._wreg(0x2C, 0)
self._wreg(0x15, 0x40)
self._wreg(0x11, 0x3D)
def reset(self):
self._wreg(0x01, 0x0F)
def antenna_on(self, on=True):
if on and ~(self._rreg(0x14) & 0x03):
self._sflags(0x14, 0x03)
self._cflags(0x14, 0x03)
def request(self, mode):
self._wreg(0x0D, 0x07)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, [mode])
if (stat != self.OK) | (bits != 0x10):
stat = self.ERR
return stat, bits
def anticoll(self):
ser_chk = 0
ser = [0x93, 0x20]
self._wreg(0x0D, 0x00)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, ser)
if stat == self.OK:
if len(recv) == 5:
for i in range(4):
ser_chk = ser_chk ^ recv[i]
if ser_chk != recv[4]:
stat = self.ERR
stat = self.ERR
return stat, recv
def select_tag(self, ser):
buf = [0x93, 0x70] + ser[:5]
buf += self._crc(buf)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, buf)
return self.OK if (stat == self.OK) and (bits == 0x18) else self.ERR
def auth(self, mode, addr, sect, ser):
return self._tocard(0x0E, [mode, addr] + sect + ser[:4])[0]
def stop_crypto1(self):
self._cflags(0x08, 0x08)
def read(self, addr):
data = [0x30, addr]
data += self._crc(data)
(stat, recv, _) = self._tocard(0x0C, data)
return recv if stat == self.OK else None
def write(self, addr, data):
buf = [0xA0, addr]
buf += self._crc(buf)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, buf)
if not (stat == self.OK) or not (bits == 4) or not ((recv[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0A):
stat = self.ERR
buf = []
for i in range(16):
buf += self._crc(buf)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, buf)
if not (stat == self.OK) or not (bits == 4) or not ((recv[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0A):
stat = self.ERR
return stat