TransferFrame 0 0 885 121 Frame QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 5 5 5 5 Pay To: ... :/icons/address-book:/icons/address-book ... :/icons/paste:/icons/paste Enter a label for this address to add it to your address book Amount: ... :/icons/remove:/icons/remove Qt::Horizontal 558 17 Label: Qt::LeftToRight 8 999999999.999999046325684 m_addressEdit m_labelEdit m_amountSpin m_addressBookButton m_pasteButton m_removeButton m_removeButton clicked() TransferFrame close() 862 21 442 60 m_addressBookButton clicked() TransferFrame addressBookClicked() 786 21 442 60 m_pasteButton clicked() TransferFrame pasteClicked() 824 21 442 60 addressBookClicked() pasteClicked()