name: danicoin version: 2.11.1 summary: "Danicoin: The best cryptocurrency" description: | Danicoin is a private, secure, untraceable, decentralised digital currency. You are your bank, you control your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers unless you allow them to do so. grade: devel confinement: strict apps: danicoind-wrapper: daemon: forking command: | danicoind-wrapper --detach --data-dir ${SNAP_COMMON} --config-file ${SNAP_USER_DATA}/etc/danicoind.conf plugs: - network - network-bind daniwallet-rpc: command: | daniwallet-rpc --log-file ${SNAP_USER_DATA} plugs: - home - network - network-bind daniwallet: command: | daniwallet --log-file ${SNAP_USER_DATA} plugs: - home - network parts: cmake-build: plugin: cmake configflags: - -DBDB_STATIC=1 - -DUPNP_STATIC=1 - -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=1 - -DBoost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME=1 - -DARCH=default source: . build-packages: - gcc - pkg-config - libunbound-dev - libevent-dev - libboost-all-dev - libdb-dev - libunwind-dev - libminiupnpc-dev - libldns-dev - libexpat1-dev - bison - doxygen - graphviz stage-packages: - libminiupnpc10 - libunbound2 - libunwind8 prime: - bin - usr/lib/ - -usr/lib/gcc - -usr/share dist-files: plugin: dump source: . organize: contrib/snap/danicoind.conf: etc/danicoind.conf contrib/snap/danicoind: bin/danicoind prime: - etc - bin