Kumi 600c60db2d
feat(installer): update modules JSON URL
Switched the source URL for modules JSON to a new, more robust and secure internal repository, ensuring a safer and more reliable module fetching process. This change was made to address the need for a consistent and reliable source for module data, improving the maintainability of the system.
2024-04-12 12:45:58 +02:00

31 lines
1,010 B

from .classes import HTTPRequest, InstallError
import json
import subprocess
class Installer:
MODULES_JSON = "https://git.private.coffee/KumiSystems/pix360-modules/raw/branch/main/modules.json"
def __init__(self):
self.available_modules = self.fetch_modules()
def fetch_modules(self):
request = HTTPRequest(self.MODULES_JSON).open()
return json.loads(request.read().decode())
def install_all(self):
for module in self.available_modules:
except InstallError as e:
print(f"Error while installing module {module['name']}: {e}")
def install_module(self, module):
subprocess.run(["pip", "install", "-U", module["source"]], check=True)
except Exception as e:
raise InstallError(f"Error while installing module {module['name']}: {e}") from e
if __name__ == "__main__":
installer = Installer()