from micropython import const from os import uname from machine import SoftSPI, Pin import uasyncio as asyncio import aioble import bluetooth import random import struct import machine import time import gc import sys import pn532_i2c # Based on example from: # Unfortunately, there is no license information for aioble anywhere to be found... # Also based on which doesn't come with a license file either... RFID_BASE = lambda x: "1408%s-1337-BABE-B00B-C0FFEEC0FFEE" % (((4 - len(str(x))) * "0") + str(x)) RFID_SERVICE_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(RFID_BASE(1)) RFID_CHAR_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(RFID_BASE(2)) _ADV_INTERVAL_MS = 250_000 rfid_service = aioble.Service(RFID_SERVICE_UUID) rfid_characteristic = aioble.Characteristic( rfid_service, RFID_CHAR_UUID, read=True, notify=True ) aioble.register_services(rfid_service) async def peripheral_task(): while True: try: async with await aioble.advertise( _ADV_INTERVAL_MS, name="RFIDTest", services=[RFID_SERVICE_UUID], ) as connection: print("Connection from", connection.device) await connection.disconnected() except BaseException as e: print("Exception in peripheral_task:", e) async def read_task(rdr, buzzer=None): # Start listening for a card print("Waiting for RFID/NFC card...") while True: try: do_read(rdr, buzzer) except Exception as e: print("Exception in read_task:", e) await asyncio.sleep_ms(100) def do_read(rdr, buzzer=None): gc.collect() last_uid = None while True: try: uid = rdr.read_passive_target(timeout=0.2) if last_uid == uid: continue if uid is None: print("No card found") last_uid = None continue struid = "".join(['{:0>{w}}'.format(hex(i)[2:], w=2) for i in uid]) print("Found card with UID:", struid) rfid_characteristic.write(uid) if buzzer: buzzer.value(1) time.sleep_ms(300) buzzer.value(0) last_uid = uid except Exception as e: print("Something failed:", e) pass finally: time.sleep_ms(100) async def main(): try: i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=machine.Pin(1), sda=machine.Pin(0)) devices = i2c.scan() if len(devices) == 0: print("No i2c device !") return 1 else: print('i2c devices found:', len(devices)) for device in devices: print("Decimal address: ", device, " | Hex address: ", hex(device)) pn532 = pn532_i2c.PN532_I2C(i2c, debug=False) ic, ver, rev, support = pn532.get_firmware_version() print("Found PN532 with firmware version: {0}.{1}".format(ver, rev)) pn532.SAM_configuration() time.sleep_ms(100) gc.collect() buzzer = Pin(27, Pin.OUT) buzzer.value(0) await asyncio.gather( peripheral_task(), read_task(pn532, buzzer) ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupted") except Exception as e: print("Exception in main:", e) return 1