Remove references to removed elements feature

This commit is contained in:
Kumi 2021-11-24 09:39:29 +01:00
parent 85d3a2644e
commit 851ce4e77a
2 changed files with 0 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -297,24 +297,6 @@ function htmlcert_cron() {
return true;
* Serve the edit element as a fragment.
* @param array $args List of named arguments for the fragment loader.
* @return string
function mod_htmlcert_output_fragment_editelement($args) {
global $DB;
// Get the element.
$element = $DB->get_record('htmlcert_elements', array('id' => $args['elementid']), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$pageurl = new moodle_url('/mod/htmlcert/rearrange.php', array('pid' => $element->pageid));
$form = new \mod_htmlcert\edit_element_form($pageurl, array('element' => $element));
return $form->render();
* This function extends the settings navigation block for the site.
@ -373,45 +355,6 @@ function mod_htmlcert_myprofile_navigation(core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree
* Handles editing the 'name' of the element in a list.
* @param string $itemtype
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $newvalue
* @return \core\output\inplace_editable
function mod_htmlcert_inplace_editable($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue) {
global $DB, $PAGE;
if ($itemtype === 'elementname') {
$element = $DB->get_record('htmlcert_elements', array('id' => $itemid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$page = $DB->get_record('htmlcert_pages', array('id' => $element->pageid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$template = $DB->get_record('htmlcert_templates', array('id' => $page->templateid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Set the template object.
$template = new \mod_htmlcert\template($template);
// Perform checks.
if ($cm = $template->get_cm()) {
require_login($cm->course, false, $cm);
} else {
// Make sure the user has the required capabilities.
// Clean input and update the record.
$updateelement = new stdClass();
$updateelement->id = $element->id;
$updateelement->name = clean_param($newvalue, PARAM_TEXT);
$DB->update_record('htmlcert_elements', $updateelement);
return new \core\output\inplace_editable('mod_htmlcert', 'elementname', $element->id, true,
$updateelement->name, $updateelement->name);
* Get icon mapping for font-awesome.

View file

@ -52,24 +52,6 @@ if ($template->get_context()->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
// Check that they have confirmed they wish to load the template.
if ($confirm && confirm_sesskey()) {
// First, remove all the existing elements and pages.
$sql = "SELECT e.*
FROM {htmlcert_elements} e
INNER JOIN {htmlcert_pages} p
ON e.pageid =
WHERE p.templateid = :templateid";
if ($elements = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('templateid' => $template->get_id()))) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
// Get an instance of the element class.
if ($e = \mod_htmlcert\element_factory::get_element_instance($element)) {
// Delete the pages.
$DB->delete_records('htmlcert_pages', array('templateid' => $template->get_id()));
// Copy the items across.