#211 Use custom fonts if present

This commit is contained in:
Mark Nelson 2018-07-12 12:23:17 +08:00
parent b928fd33a7
commit 7b35bcee9e

View file

@ -102,23 +102,20 @@ class certificate {
public static function get_fonts() {
global $CFG;
// Array to store the available fonts.
$options = array();
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pdflib.php');
// Location of fonts in Moodle.
$fontdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib/tcpdf/fonts";
// Check that the directory exists.
if (file_exists($fontdir)) {
// Get directory contents.
$fonts = new \DirectoryIterator($fontdir);
// Loop through the font folder.
foreach ($fonts as $font) {
// If it is not a file, or either '.' or '..', or
// the extension is not php, or we can not open file,
// skip it.
if (!$font->isFile() || $font->isDot() || ($font->getExtension() != 'php')) {
$arrfonts = [];
$pdf = new \pdf();
$fontfamilies = $pdf->get_font_families();
foreach ($fontfamilies as $fontfamily => $fontstyles) {
foreach ($fontstyles as $fontstyle) {
$fontstyle = strtolower($fontstyle);
if ($fontstyle == 'r') {
$filenamewoextension = $fontfamily;
} else {
$filenamewoextension = $fontfamily . $fontstyle;
$fullpath = \TCPDF_FONTS::_getfontpath() . $filenamewoextension;
// Set the name of the font to null, the include next should then set this
// value, if it is not set then the file does not include the necessary data.
$name = null;
@ -127,25 +124,24 @@ class certificate {
$displayname = null;
// Some of the TCPDF files include files that are not present, so we have to
// suppress warnings, this is the TCPDF libraries fault, grrr.
@include($fullpath . '.php');
// If no $name variable in file, skip it.
if (is_null($name)) {
// Remove the extension of the ".php" file that contains the font information.
$filename = basename($font, ".php");
// Check if there is no display name to use.
if (is_null($displayname)) {
// Format the font name, so "FontName-Style" becomes "Font Name - Style".
$displayname = preg_replace("/([a-z])([A-Z])/", "$1 $2", $name);
$displayname = preg_replace("/([a-zA-Z])-([a-zA-Z])/", "$1 - $2", $displayname);
$options[$filename] = $displayname;
return $options;
$arrfonts[$filenamewoextension] = $displayname;
return $arrfonts;